Seoul Cheap Eats: 타꼬방 (Takkobang)

Takoyaki is an amazing snack for those in the mood for a little pick-me-up. For those who don’t know, takoyaki (타꼬야끼/たこ焼き) is actually a Japanese snack consisting of small pancake balls stuffed with octopus pieces topped with sauce and other toppings to make for one very flavor-packed experience. You can grab them fairly quickly as long as there’s no line. One of my favorite spots for takoyaki is 타꼬방(Takkobang) as they have the best prices I’ve seen and they give you plenty of toppings. You can find the Hongdae location which is very close to Bonjour. You can use the Bonjour address to get closer to this place as it is pretty hard to get to: 서울특별시 마포구 서교동 327-10 지하1층

map takobang
Not the easiest place to find if you don’t know Hongdae well.
Takobang store Front
A very small booth, but it makes one of the most amazing street foods out there!
Takkobang Shindaebang location 타꼬방 신대방
Shindaebang (신대방역) location.
Takobang 타꼬방 Menu

You can order them in different quantities and can choose between original, cheese, or spicy. The cheese and spicy flavor are basically the original flavor with a dab of cheese or spicy sauce on the top. My favorite is cheese, but I usually mix it with half spicy for some variety. The spicy sauce is actually fairly spicy and the cheese adds a nice creamy taste to it. The original is pretty boring compared to these two in my opinion.

How they look when they’re half done.
Almost ready!

The takoyaki has a nice substantial piece of octopus inside each ball which makes for a very chewy texture blended well with the soft, delicate pancake ball. The pancake balls are have a nice crisp on the outside as well! There are also bits of cooked down corn and veggies that are somewhat indiscernible.

They then top off the balls with a mayo-based sauce and katsu/terriyaki mix sauce, along with loads of dried bonito flakes! Delicious!

Tons of bonito flakes!
Cheese flavor (the white glob on top)
Don’t forget to take a skewer so you can eat them! Notice the browning of the pancake ball which adds a nice crisp!

Needless to say, as far as street food, takoyaki is one of my favorites. It is a bit hard to get full off of them, but 10 of them is a decent amount to hold yourself over until dinner! These typically are more popular during cooler days, but I enjoy them regardless of weather. I hope you get to enjoy these amazing little snacks and don’t forget to check out other foods I’ve come across in Korea here!

Author: Ryan Mar

Just a guy simply making the most with life abroad. Love travel, photography, food, and just enjoying life. Currently blogging about beautiful places in Seoul, Korea, along with food, culture, and observations at

2 thoughts on “Seoul Cheap Eats: 타꼬방 (Takkobang)”

  1. Hey Ryan,

    I really like that this is the first post I came across when visiting your blog! Takoyaki is so awesome and makes me miss my time in Japan. I’ve had some good and some bad here but haven’t gotten to try it in Seoul.

    You’re right that Hongdae can be a bit confusing for those who don’t know it. I’m terrible with directions to begin with, so that place really throws me off. Thanks for the map! Love the pictures btw. You really made me hungry now, so I’ll have to leave your blog and grab some food now.

    Take Care man and hope to stay in touch.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I’ve never tried takoyaki in Japan unfortunately, so I can’t really compare, but I think the takoyaki from this place should be quite decent to even the most discerning fans. Hope you enjoy it 🙂 Definitely keep in touch !

      Liked by 1 person

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